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50 - 52 MHz IARU Region 1 bandplan
SAN MARINO 2002 I.A.R.U. Region 1 C5 COMMITTEE REPORTAppendix 2 Bandplanning principles
SUBJECT: Committee C5 BACKGROUND: Committee C5 agreed on the principal of using bandwidth as the criteria for the allocation of Machine Generate Modulation (MGM) modes in the VHF, UHF and microwave band plans. The Committee also agreed that an exclusive Telegraphy sub-band is still required. It was explained that there are different requirements for maximum bandwidth depending on the type of transmission. The working group therefore notes the need for two segments. One segment with maximum bandwidth up to 500 Hz (for modes like PSK31) and one segment up to 2700Hz (for modes like FSK441). Based on bandwidth criteria one segment should be placed at the current border between Telegraphy and SSB. The second could be placed anywhere in the SSB segment. A good solution will be the "high end" of the SSB sub-band. · +/- 15kHz (30kHz wide) segments from the present borders between SSB and CW · The lower 15kHz (in the Telegraphy portion) will be for MGM with a maximum bandwidth of 500Hz. This is primarily for EME operation. · The upper 15kHz (in the SSB portion) will be used for MGM with a maximum bandwidth of 2700Hz. · A 40kHz wide sub-band (in the SSB portion) immediately below the BEACON sub-band will be used for Telegraphy, SSB and MGM modes with maximum bandwidth of 2700 Hz. · Activity centres will be allocated within these MGM segments. .... Omissis ....
BAND: ADDITIONS Note: Because of differences in the 50MHz band plans allocations within the 50MHz band do not follow directly the recommendations given in the BACKGROUND section of this paper. However specific proposals for FSK441, JT44 and PSK31 have been recommended. Appendix 3
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Note: The International DX calling frequency 50.110 MHz should not be used for calling within the European part of Region 1 at any time. d. Channelized equipment: On this band the FM channel spacing is 20 kHz with 10 kHz offset. e. In those countries within the European part of IARU Region 1 where it is allowed to set up FM repeaters on 50 MHz, the indicated channels are recommended in order to establish a commonality. For numbering of NBFM channels see recommendation J In those countries where the National Authorities do not permit repeaters to operate with output frequencies above 51MHz, repeater output frequencies may be 500kHz below the repeater input frequencies. |
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